Stewart Tree Farms offers a variety of delivery and installation services, designed to suit the unique needs of your landscaping project. Maintaining site safety and integrity/cleanliness are priorities in every job we do. Our crews are trained in proper transport, site inspection and planting techniques, to ensure that your trees get the best possible start in their new space.
WE ASK THAT YOU GIVE US AS MUCH NOTICE AS POSSIBLE. During our busiest times (May – September), our scheduled delivery and planting services fill up quickly. Please note that all scheduled services are subject to our Terms & Conditions, and may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances such as inclement weather.
Due to the high volume of projects that we receive, WE ARE UNABLE TO COMPLETE ALL REQUESTED PROJECTS, particularly manually installed trees in locations inaccessible to our skid steer. To assess which strategy will work best for your individual location, we encourage you to contact us and arrange a free phone/email consultation.
WE ASK THAT YOU GIVE US AS MUCH NOTICE AS POSSIBLE. During our busiest times (May – September), our scheduled delivery and planting services fill up quickly. Please note that all scheduled services are subject to our Terms & Conditions, and may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances such as inclement weather.
Due to the high volume of projects that we receive, WE ARE UNABLE TO COMPLETE ALL REQUESTED PROJECTS, particularly manually installed trees in locations inaccessible to our skid steer. To assess which strategy will work best for your individual location, we encourage you to contact us and arrange a free phone/email consultation.
Flat Deck Trailer DeliveryThis delivery option requires a machine capable of lifting the trees off of the trailer at the delivery site. Best suited for potted trees or larger orders for contractors with a skid steer on site. Maximum quantities depend on the size of the trees and their respective root ball size.
Semi-Truck DeliveryIdeal for large orders when the desired delivery site is at a great distance from our farm. This delivery option requires a machine capable of lifting the trees off of the trailer at the delivery site. Maximum quantities depend on the size of the trees and their respective root ball size.
Tree Installation
Machine InstallationMachine installation is the easiest and most cost-effective planting method. Expect two trailers to arrive on installation day: one carrying your trees, and the other, our excavator and/or skid steer with specialized tree boom. This machine is designed to handle live product of various sizes with relative speed, safety and efficiency.
We require utilities to be located before all planting projects. Utility ticket documents are valid for 30 days once marked. Both overhead and underground utilities are important factors in determining the best tree placements. To have your utilities marked, visit or call +1 800-242-3447. To assess which strategy will work best for your individual location, we encourage you to contact us and arrange a free phone/email consultation. |